Enjoy Prague Classics Differently With These 6 Alternative Experiences

Prague, Czech Republic.
Prague, Czech Republic. | Vsevolod Vlasenko / © Culture Trip
Culture Trip Travel Team

With so many big-hitting sights, including the ninth-century castle and the historic Jewish quarter, it can be tough to get an original take on Prague. These handpicked tours and experiences show the Czech capital in a fresh light.

Loved by over 40s

Whether you’re a foodie or design lover, a night owl or an early bird, mad about history or even ghosts, there’s a curated trip that’s tailored just for you. Go walking at night, or cycling by day, or why not head underground one evening? Now you can experience Prague’s most popular attractions as you’ve never seen them before.


Enjoy this 1.5-hour private running tour and find a new way how to explore a city with your running shoes on. Customise your tour to your own preferences and run alongside a local guide through the tourist centre of Prague, as well as through lesser-known places and picturesque corners.


The city of Prague may be famous for its beautiful architecture, but the real history of the city lies below. On this tour you’ll not only learn about the medieval history of the town but also see and explore a different part of the city – one that exists under the cobbled streets of the Old Town.


Enjoy the tour on electric bikes in Prague and see the city in an easy and fun way. See the most famous sights and get the great overview of Prague, as you learn about the city from your guide, who will gladly help you get the most out of your tour. Feel free to choose from several starting times for a small group tour, or you can also inquire about a private tour for your company with a flexible start that suits you.


Get off the beaten track and become an amateur expert in historical architecture. Have you ever looked at a beautiful historical building and wondered in what architecture style it is built in? Find out what characteristics make a building Gothic, Renaissance, or Baroque in a simple, fun way. Explore Prague through its most visible historical monuments, its fascinating buildings. Choose between a 3- or 5-hour tour with an English-speaking guide.

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2 years.


It's the personal contact, the personal experiences. I love meeting people from all over the world... I really like getting to know everyone and feeling like I'm traveling with a group of friends.


I have so many places on my list, but I would really lobe to go to Africa. I consider myself an “adventure girl” and Africa feels like the ULTIMATE adventure!

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Every CULTURE TRIP Small-group adventure is led by a Local Insider just like Hanna.

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