Uncover the 7 Best Unusual Experiences in Prague, Czech Republic

See Prague from the Vltava River
See Prague from the Vltava River | © robertharding / Alamy Stock Photo
Culture Trip Travel Team

There’s no shortage of unusual, quirky things to do in Prague. In the Czech capital, a combination of rich history and a penchant for alternative culture makes for a wealth of offbeat activities. Culture Trip’s curated list of original tours and experiences take you to the very heart of Prague.

Loved by over 40s

Beyond sampling trdelník, visiting Prague Castle and exploring the Czech capital’s Jewish history, Prague boasts a plethora of alternative experiences for those looking to discover a different side to the city. The most unusual experiences to enjoy on a visit to Prague include stand-up paddleboarding on the Vltava River, truffle hunting in the local countryside and following the trail of Operation Anthropoid.


Enjoy a taste of Medieval romance with a three-hour dining experience in Prague. Get cosy in a candlelit tavern and kick off the evening with a mug of beer or glass of wine. Sit down to five generous courses of Medieval food, as jugglers take the stage alongside belly dancers, swordsmen and an old fortuneteller with magical powers.


This museum, the first of its kind in the Czech Republic, is perfect for everyone. Come to see film differently!


Join us on this river tour through our beautiful city! We will meet up at a popular yacht club close to the centre. We will teach you a bit about balance, and everything you need to know for your good ride along the Vltava River! Our tour begins near Vyšehrad (Upper Castle), and then we will paddle toward the city centre, where we will enjoy the magnificent panorama of Prague Castle and Charles Bridge. Along the way, I will point out important points of interest and tell you some fun facts about their history. I will share some tales that will help you to understand this city and its river. Seeing the city from such a unique vantage point, with one of us as your river ambassador, will be the highlight of your time in Prague. Digital photos and safe place (lockers) for your belongings included. “Prague without the Vltava River would be like an orchestra without its conductor.”

Prague Truffle Hunting Tour With Luxury Lunch


You will enjoy the truffle hunting and dog training in the park around Petřín Hill, offering one of the best views of Old Town (Staré Město). It’s amazing that all this nature is in the very centre of Prague. In addition, you will be treated to a luxury truffle lunch. But don’t worry, our entire walk will be easily manageable for everyone.

Anthropoid Tour With a Visit to Curve and Lidice


Follow the traces of Operation Anthropoid in Prague and visit some of the actual locations on this three-hour tour. Your guide will give you insight and details as you enter the crypt where the paratroopers fought for their lives, find the curve where Reinhard Heydrich was assassinated, and visit the remains and meadows where the village of Lidice used to stand before it was burned down by the Nazis.


Enjoy a night out on the town, Czech-style, at a Prague folklore party. You’ll enjoy a three-course dinner, unlimited beer and wine, and live music and dancing. It’s the perfect way to spend an evening in Prague.


Enjoy a sea of fun and relaxation in the largest aqua park in Central and Eastern Europe. Come have fun and relax in Aquapalace Čestlice. Spend some time in the Water World, with its tree palaces and outdoor zon,e and discover the magic of The Sauna World.

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