Great Date Ideas in Salt Lake City, Utah

Salt Lake City has a perfect date night to suit every couple
Salt Lake City has a perfect date night to suit every couple | © Andrew Zarivny / Alamy Stock Photo
Stephanie Andrews

With picturesque scenery, fresh mountain air, vibrant nightlife and cozy wine bars, it’s easy to see how Salt Lake City is the ideal romantic getaway and ultimate date-night experience. Whether you’re looking to rekindle the magic, propose to your sweetie or pamper your new flame, Culture Trip’s local insiders share their beloved date-night spots in the Utah capital that will spark magic and romance for all couples.

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Neon sign in Salt Lake City, Utah that says “Salt Lake City is for Lovers”

The Kura Door Couple’s Massage

Want to enjoy a little R&R while reconnecting with your partner? If so, the Kura Door offers a magical way to leave your worries behind. This holistic Japanese spa offers a couple’s retreat package, complete with two hours of pure bliss: a one-hour signature Kura massage and a traditional Japanese ofuro bath experience. Listen to soothing music and enjoy relaxing scents of essential oils and herbs as you soak side by side in the healing waters. Recommended by local insider David Smurthwaite

Ruth’s Diner

Grab some grub at Ruth’s Diner, a beloved fixture of the local community since 1930. This trolley car-turned-restaurant, nestled in a canyon, boasts scenic views and serves various spins on the classic eggs benedict, along with several other tasty options – don’t forget to try Ruth’s signature Mile High biscuits. During the summer months, it often hosts live music. Enjoy a casual dinner and perhaps a little night music with your sweetie under a canopy of oak trees and twinkle lights. Recommended by local insider Whitney Brown

Gallivan Center

Gallivan Utah Center, Salt Lake City

This sprawling outdoor amphitheater in the city center offers up cool things to do in Salt Lake City all year long. The summer months bring free concerts, swing dancing and fun food events, such as Food Truck Thursdays. During the winter, Gallivan Center turns into a popular outdoor ice-skating rink. Whether you’re looking to sway to live music with your other half or hold hands and skate, it is sure to turn your romantic vacation up a notch. Recommended by local insider Whitney Brown

Hale Centre Theatre

Who says you need to go to New York City to see a Broadway show? Just 15mi (24km) south of Salt Lake City, you’ll find Hale Centre Theatre, among the country’s highest attended professional theaters. It offers a variety of Broadway and off-Broadway classics that will provide you with an evening of entertainment and spectacle that is unforgettably romantic. If your sweetheart is a bona fide theater lover, surprise them with a backstage tour, which takes place every Wednesday (for a nominal fee). Recommended by local insider Whitney Brown

Brewvies Cinema Pub

Want to revamp the typical night of curling up on the couch and watching a movie? If so, Brewvies Cinema Pub is the perfect relaxed evening for two, where you can catch a new release while eating delicious pub food and sipping craft beer. It even has a full bar, so you can enjoy a fancy cocktail with your evening movie if you wish. Planning a romantic staycation or enjoying a mid-week escape? If so, visit Brewvies on Tuesdays when movies are only $5.39. Recommended by local insider David Smurthwaite

Caputo’s Cooking Classes

If you’re looking to add a little amore to your date night, what better way to do it than by taking a cooking class at Caputo’s, the city’s oldest Italian deli? If you think Italian food is the food of love, you’re in for a real treat. Caputo’s offers a variety of classes, including food and wine pairings and Tuscan-style cooking. You can also learn how to make a decadent pasta sauce that is guaranteed to wow the next time you cook for that someone special. Recommended by local insider David Smurthwaite

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2 years.


It's the personal contact, the personal experiences. I love meeting people from all over the world... I really like getting to know everyone and feeling like I'm traveling with a group of friends.


I have so many places on my list, but I would really lobe to go to Africa. I consider myself an “adventure girl” and Africa feels like the ULTIMATE adventure!

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