Things to Do at Night in Salt Lake City

The Salt Lake City skyline by night. The city sits in a valley, with stunning mountain backdrops all around
The Salt Lake City skyline by night. The city sits in a valley, with stunning mountain backdrops all around | © Charles Knowles / Alamy Stock Photo
Elena Alston

Known as ‘the urban gem in the mountain West,’ Utah’s Salt Lake City is a Mormon hub, a thriving capital and home to some of the whitest, deepest powder in the US. But it’s not just a first-class ski destination, it’s also a cultural haven – particularly at night, when a different side of the city shows its wilder colors. Culture Trip asked local insiders to give their tips for night owls.

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Capitol Theatre


Capitol Theatre opened its doors in 1913 as Orpheum Theatre, hosting vaudeville shows. It’s a gaudy building, with a terracotta facade, decorated in rich reds and creams. For the past century, it’s hosted the most memorable live performances in the area. Today, it’s the place to come for shows from the Ballet West and Utah Opera. Recommended by local insider David Smurthwaite

Clark Planetarium


Get up close with the stars at the Clark Planetarium, based off 400 West and 110 South in Downtown. There are late-night interactive exhibitions, with free admission to the Earth exhibits, and paid admission to the 3D films in the Imax cinema. Recommended by local insider Whitney Brown

The Living Room Trail

Natural Feature

This whacky outdoor trail leads walkers to a man-made exhibit of sandstone slabs, which have been positioned to look like living-room furniture. It’s a bit of a hike, but you’ll also get great views of the city. Go just before sunset – the viewpoint faces west, so you’ll be just in time to watch the fiery red orb dip under the skyline. Bring a torch for the journey back, as the trails can be difficult to navigate in the dark. Recommended by local insider Whitney Brown

City Creek Center

Shopping Mall

If you’ve got the urge to splurge, City Creek Center is the best place to do it. This open-air shopping center is a haven of luxury fashion, and there are pretty spots to sit and relax by elaborate fountains and an artificial creek. There are plenty of dining options – at high-scale restaurants – so save your visit for early evening. Recommended by local insider Whitney Brown

Abravanel Hall

Music Venue

Abravanel Hall is Salt Lake City’s concert hall and architectural landmark, and home to the Utah Symphony. This building dominates the city’s skyline, and is known for its world-class performances internationally. It’s also home to fantastic artwork, including a glass sculpture by Dale Chihuly. Recommended by local insider David Smurthwaite

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