Markets That Are Worth a Visit in Jamaica

Traditional craft market in Ocho Rios, Jamaica
Traditional craft market in Ocho Rios, Jamaica | © Findlay / Alamy Stock Photo
Lola Mendez

The best place for souvenir shopping, tasting local produce and getting a feel for the unique culture of a place are its local markets. Jamaica has no shortage of great options for all sorts of goods including food, clothes, artisan crafts and more. Many of the markets are outdoors and quite picturesque and you’re sure to come across some lively vendors and pick up a few trinkets. Don’t leave Jamaica without Blue Mountain Coffee, local rum and jerk spices. Here are six markets that are worth a visit in Jamaica.

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Harbour Street Craft Market

The Harbour Street Craft Market is one of the largest open-air market areas in Jamaica and is also a duty-free shopping destination. Due to its location in Montego Bay many of the shoppers here are cruise-ship passengers looking for a good deal. The market stalls offer all sorts of products that are handmade in Jamaica including woven straw hats, bags and baskets that are synonymous with Caribbean beach style.

Coronation Market

The vibrant Coronation Market is the largest farmer’s market in Kingston. Vendors from across the island sell produce here making for a colorful display of local fruits, vegetables and more. The market is always busy and the local customer knows they can rely on the market for farm-fresh goods and reasonable prices. Beyond produce there are also a few stalls selling clothes, shoes and household goods.

Island Village

This outdoor shopping mall in the resort town of Ocho Rios is geared towards tourists. Island Village is home to several craft stalls where you can find everything decked out in Bob Marley regalia and Rastafari inspired items. It’s a great place to pick up a quirky souvenir to remind you of your time on the island – such as some Rasta-colored beads.

Harmony Hall

If you’re looking to purchase a piece of art while in Jamaica head to Harmony Hall. Located just outside of Ocho Rios, the art gallery is located in a restored iconic 19th-century Jamaican-Georgian mansion. The gallery features work from more than 100 Jamaican artists. The pieces cover many styles and mediums. If you can’t afford to take home a painting you may find a keepsake in the gift shop. During the winter there’s an outdoor craft market with local purveyors hawking their wares.

Ocho Rios Craft Park

The largest market in Ocho Rios is the Ocho Rios Craft Park. More than 100 vendors sell a wide range of goods, including wooden platters, hand-carved pieces, musical instruments and more. Within the Ocho Rios Craft Park is the smaller Pineapple Craft Market. You won’t find fruit here, but you may be able to find a pair of hand-carved pineapple wood earrings to pair with a coffee bean necklace.

Kingston Craft Market

Located downtown in Jamaica’s capital city, the Kingston Craft Market is the largest destination for crafts in the city. It’s located in the former Victoria Market by the coastline, so travelers can enjoy incredible vistas of the Kingston waterfront while browsing the craft stalls. The stands offer all sorts of goods from tie-dye T-shirts to paintings that depict local life and cultural traditions.

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