The Most Beautiful Beaches in Jamaica

Jamaica is famed for its spectacular beaches
Jamaica is famed for its spectacular beaches | © Jon Arnold Images Ltd / Alamy Stock Photo
Lola Mendez

It’s no secret that Jamaica’s beaches draw tourists from all around the globe. It’s simply impossible to resist the urge to visit the aquamarine waters and silky, white-sand beaches found all along this beautiful island’s coastline, so check out our round up of the best before your next visit.

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Seven Mile Beach

A crowd favorite is the Seven Mile Beach in the resort town of Negril, located along the western tip of Jamaica. The calm coastline is the perfect place to paddleboard among glittering, warm waters or to go for a long stroll on the sandy, white beach framed by daunting cliff formations. Adventure seekers love to explore the cliff’s caves or try their hand at manoeuvring a Hobie Cat, with gentle winds helping you to glide the mini catamaran over the emerald sea. Seven Mile Beach is also one of the best places to enjoy the sunset in Jamaica.

Treasure Beach

Leave the tourist trail and enjoy the quiet beaches along Jamaica’s less-visited southern coast at Treasure Beach. The small fishing town is home to a six-mile stretch of beach, and you’ll come across both coral-colored and black sands. You’re likely to find a private cove – but be careful when diving into the sea; much of the shoreline is rocky and the sea can be rough with strong undertows. Billy’s, Frenchman’s, Calabash, Fort Charles (also known as Starve Gut) and Great Beach are the best spots and are all equipped with amenities, including beachfront cafés.

Doctor’s Cave Beach

In Montego Bay, head down to Doctor’s Cave Bathing Club on Gloucester Avenue. The beach club is family-friendly and the perfect place to frolic in the warm, gentle, shallow, translucent sea and make sand fortresses. There are plenty of shady areas thanks to the palm trees that dot the shore. The public beach has plenty of beach chairs and umbrellas available.

Frenchman’s Cove

Frenchman’s Cove Beach is a true hidden treasure that can be found in Port Antonio. The picture-perfect beach has soft, golden sand and sapphire water shaded by a canopy of emerald trees and rocky cliffs. This beach is unique in Jamaica as a river flows from the Blue Mountains and extends into the Caribbean Sea, creating an unparalleled tropical oasis. There is a small fee to visit the private beach.

Boston Bay

If you want to catch a wave head to Boston Bay in Jamaica’s Port Antonio Parish. There are waves here year-round so surfers are always out on their boards. If you don’t know how to surf you can find locals offering lessons at surf camps, or just sit back on the small beach and enjoy the spectacle of watching surfers doing their thing. The area is known for jerk chicken and pork so be sure to come hungry and enjoy the local fare.

Lime Cay

Jamaica is also home to several small cays, many of which have incredible beaches. Lime Cay is just a 15-minute boat ride from Port Royal in Kingston Harbor. The low-lying cay is the largest in the area, surrounded by cerulean waters and natural beaches, some sandy and others rocky. Occasionally the cay is submerged by the tide, meaning it’s uninhabited and there are no permanent vendors based there, so be sure to bring snacks and refreshments.

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