Secret Beaches and Coves in the Seychelles You Can Only Reach By Boat

White sands and swaying palm trees pave the way for the best kept secret beaches and coves in the Seychelles
White sands and swaying palm trees pave the way for the best kept secret beaches and coves in the Seychelles | © Getty Images
Sadie Whitelocks

The Seychelles is a paradise for beach lovers. Powdery white sand, dramatic granite boulders and swaying palm trees mark these coves out as some of the most beautiful in the world. Travelling by boat will ensure you have prime access – without the crowds. From Grande Soeur to Cocos Island, here’s our pick of the best Seychelles beaches.

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Explore the finest coves in the Seychelles by booking onto Culture Trip’s eight-day group sailing holiday around the Sainte Anne Marine Park, La Digue and Praslin.

Grande Soeur, Îles Soeurs

Natural Feature

Beach of Grande Soeur Island, in the Seychelles
© Foto Feeling / Alamy Stock Photo

The beach on Grande Soeur island makes for a sumptuous sight. Located in the middle of the granitic outcrop, the swathe of sand is framed by lush foliage and large boulders. Once you’ve had your fill of sunshine, cool off by taking a dip in the outstandingly blue waters. As Grand Souer is a private island with a small boutique hotel, arrangements must be made prior to mooring up.

Police Bay, Mahe

Natural Feature

A bodyboarder runs into the ocean in Police Bay, Seychelles
© Hemis / Alamy Stock Photo

Sitting pretty on the southernmost point of Mahe, Police Bay is a great place to sail to for the afternoon. One of the unique features here is that it’s connected to a freshwater lagoon – perfect for kayaking or stand-up paddleboarding, if you have the kit on board. Otherwise, enjoy the peaceful white sand, lapped by rolling waves, or clamber along the giant boulders to explore other secluded beaches around the corner.

Cocos Island

Natural Feature

A couple of boats exploring the water around tiny Cocos Island
© Massimiliano Finzi / Alamy Stock Photo

Play at being castaway on Cocos Island, a minuscule granitic island, just a few miles from La Digue. This spot is the true vision of a desert island with a picture-perfect white sand beach, palm trees sprouting from the centre and fringed by azure waters. Pack a picnic before you tender ashore so you don’t need to forage for food, à la Robinson Crusoe.

Cousine Island

Natural Feature

A pair of tropical islands known as Cousin and Cousine as seen from Praslin in the Seychelles
© Christian B / Alamy Stock Photo

Like a smile, the beach on Cousine Island curves around its coastline. After securing permission, moor up at the private island and jump ashore to enjoy its quiet surroundings. If you’re lucky, you might see a turtle as this granitic isle is an important nesting site – each season, more than 12,000 turtle hatchlings emerge from nests laid on the beach here.

Anse St José, Curieuse

Natural Feature

Beautiful tropical beach on curieuse island on the seychelles
© Christian B / Alamy Stock Photo

Anse St José is one of the must-visit beaches on Curieuse – a gem of an island that sits just off the northern coast of Praslin. The beach, which is one of several on the island, makes for a tranquil spot to while away an afternoon, armed with a good book or picnic. Be sure to explore the rest of the small island as it serves as a free-range zoo for hundreds of giant tortoises, introduced between 1978 and 1982.

Anse Volbert, Praslin

Natural Feature

The Seychelles, Praslin, Anse Volbert, beach, tourists sunbathing in shade of palm trees
© Neil McAllister / Alamy Stock Photo

Fringed by mature palm trees and calm crystalline waters, Anse Volbert is a highly photogenic beach. Strike a pose reclining on one of the leaning palms or stay until sunset for the ultimate Instagram shot. Located on Praslin, it is one of the island’s longest strips of sand. The mirror-like waters make this a prime spot for swimming and snorkelling.

Anse Lazio, Praslin

Natural Feature

Aerial view of Curieuse Island in the background with three boats on the water
© Westend61 / Getty Images

Point your compass in the direction of Anse Lazio on the northwest side of Praslin Island. This sandy cove is regarded as one of the world’s most beautiful beaches, thanks to its untouched scenery that looks like it’s been plucked from a postcard. Granite boulders can be found at each end of the beach and among the rocks around the bay, there’s some great snorkelling to be had. Once you’ve finished exploring, refuel at Villa Manoir down the road – they do a great Creole Sesel fish curry.

Anse Georgette, Praslin

Natural Feature

Aerial view of a boat just off the shores of the Seychelles
© Westend61 / Getty Images

Another must-see beach on the northwest side of Praslin is Anse Georgette. It’s easiest to access this beach from the water – travelling by land requires navigating a winding trail through a resort area. This beach is set within a secluded cove and it offers plenty of space to set up camp and stay for several hours of relaxation. Visiting with your other half? Bring a bottle of bubbly to toast on arrival.

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