The Best Bars in Belize to Watch the Sun Go Down Over the Ocean

The Lazy Lizard Bar and Grill offers incredible views over the ocean come sunset
The Lazy Lizard Bar and Grill offers incredible views over the ocean come sunset | © Christine Wehrmeier / Alamy Stock Photo
Nick Dauk

No matter how many sunsets you see on the ocean, no sailor yachting their way around Belize can pass up the opportunity to sip a sundowner at a beachfront bar. Belize may be the only Central American country without a Pacific coastline, but that doesn’t mean it lacks sunset views over the ocean. Paddle out to some of the eastern cayes and grab a drink at one of these bars showcasing the sunset over the sea.

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Salute the sunset at one of Belize’s best oceanfront bars with the Culture Trip’s Sailing Trips.

Rain Restaurant & Rooftop Terrace

Rain won’t cover your plans in the clouds; on the contrary, this restaurant and rooftop terrace will elevate your sunset experience. Head upstairs and order a ruby sea breeze or a ginger pear martini to sip on while perusing the menu. A light appetite won’t be bothered by a bowl of seasonal seafood ceviche, nor a slice of piña colada cheesecake.

Snooty’s Poolside Bar at Sirenian Bay Resort & Villas

Named after the first recorded birth of a manatee in captivity, the spirit of Snooty lives on at the poolside bar of the Sirenian Bay Resort. Finger foods like peel ‘n’ eat shrimp, chicken wings and nachos make it effortless to chow down while downing classic cocktails. Everything from beer to bloody marys is on the menu, though how better to honor Snooty the manatee than with Snooty’s planter’s punch: dark rum, white rum, Nanche liqueur and fruit punch.

Palapa Bar & Grill

The coolest spot on San Pedro isn’t actually on San Pedro. Palapa Bar & Grill floats over the Caribbean Sea, giving you sundowner drinks at sunset the way it should be. Loosen up and share a palapa punch which stirs three rums and three juices for a concoction that’s not too sour or sweet. Don’t worry about going overboard – you can fall into an inner tube and float without fear.

The Lazy Lizard Bar & Grill

As long as you can walk the 2,790ft (850m) from the Caye Caulker ferry terminal, you can lap up drinks from morning until midnight. This is the most famous bar this side of the split separating North and South Caye Caulker and sure to have a steady crowd growing until the nightly band strikes a tune. A glass of their so-called World Famous Frozen Lizard Juice is obligatory, as is giving your stomach an order of fried shrimp and chips to make it through the day upright.

Wish Willy Bar & Grill

Wish Willy, the chef and owner formerly known as Maurice Moore, runs a bar and grill that’s more like a barbecue at your best friend’s house. Pull up a chair and chat as the sun goes down over the water. Don’t be surprised if a busy Maurice lets you help yourself to the brews in the corner cooler. Keep your eyes peeled for a real wish willy when you do: the name for the island’s scaly-tailed iguanas.

Crocs Sunset Sports Bar

Take the captain hat off and throw your favorite team’s cap on when you roll up to Crocs Sunset Sports Bar. Their big-screen TVs play most of the major sports games, including baseball, football and the other football. You can sup suds with your sports – keep an eye open for game day specials – or you can completely drain the clock with a tall jalapeño-infused margarita. That should cross your eyes enough to keep one pupil on the game and the other on the sunset.

Lucca Restaurant & Bar

Lucca has an envious position on the eastern coast of Belize, hanging out on a small hump of the country, which allows lucky drinkers an opportunity to catch the sunset over the water. A bucket of beer is the perfect partner to share the sight with or for something a little more risqué, we advise peeping at the shots with racy names that are NSFW.

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