The Best Waterside Restaurants in Belize

Main Street on Caye Caulker is a gateway to some of Belizes best eateries
Main Street on Caye Caulker is a gateway to some of Belize's best eateries | © Christine Wehrmeier / Alamy Stock Photo
Nick Dauk

Consider yourself lucky if you’ve navigated the stars and sailed your way into Belize with its inviting blue waters. This Central American country has a long Caribbean coastline swimming with some of the best restaurants between the borders. Spend a day in any of the Cayes or on the mainland, and you’ll wonder how you’ve enjoyed meals without fresh lobster. Raise a napkin-sized sail and set a course for a taste of the best coastal cuisine in Belize.

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Discover the most spectacular beaches and best coastal restaurants in Belize with the Culture Trip’s Sailing Trips.

Corozo Blue’s

Do your kids need a bathroom break after crossing from Mexican waters into the blue sea around Belize? Tie a spring line along the shoreline and give the kiddos a little fun with their lunch at Corozo Blue’s. Let them run around on the playground while you take your time debating whether the grilled arrachera – skirt steak tacos – or the gran ceviche platter would scratch that salty itch on your tongue.

Bird’s Isle Restaurant

Swimming on a tiny spit of land just east of the port, Bird’s Isle Restaurant is close to Belize City yet feels like you’re on a private strip of paradise. Hang out under a palm-lined roof with a rum punch, deciding between the lobster tail, red snapper, crispy fried chicken, and juicy burgers. Any dish is delicious, thanks in part to the laid-back vibes and ocean views that are never stale or stuffy.

Chef Kareem’s Unbelizeable Lunch Caye Caulker

Here’s one for the hungry sailor who wants a taste of real island food: this is a no shirt, no shoes, no building type of place. Chef Kareem grills up an un-Belize-able lunch right on the sand. He’ll cook up a whole lobster, alive and kicking only moments before. Coconut curry, shrimp kebab, chicken, pork, and more are all on the menu. Grab a beer and a plastic chair because this lunch will knock you off of your feet.

Rain Restaurant & Rooftop Terrace

If you want 360-degree views of San Pedro, Rain Restaurant has a table waiting for you. Their rooftop terrace is a fine place to loosen your belt and settle in for the best meal you’ve had since you left port. Handcrafted pasta such as lobster ravioli is as tempting as the jungle rack of pork ribs. Do yourself a favor and save room for dessert; their so-called Impossible cake won’t eat itself.

Wendy’s Creole Restaurant & Bar

Even on a holiday sailing trip, breakfast is still the most important meal of the day, and Wendy won’t let you miss out. Let her cook up a Belizean breakfast loaded with fry jacks, refried beans, and two any-style eggs to get you all squared away for the day. Prefer a lighter fare after a long night? Standards such as yogurt, fruit, and granola will quell your seasickness.

Chef Rob’s Gourmet Café

Chef Rob isn’t playing around when it comes to gourmet Belizean cuisine. He’s one of the country’s most celebrated chefs, and his beautifully presented plates will prove it. We can’t predict what will be on the menu when you visit, but his celebrated hot shrimps, the chunky rum-flamed lobster, and a seafood cappuccino of the day are all likely to be listed. As for the wine and dessert, you’ll have to wait and see for yourself.

Celebrity Restaurant & Bar

You don’t need to be an A-Lister to reserve a table at Celebrity Restaurant & Bar, but you’ll sure feel like one when you do. Sit by the sea and taste the best of Belize on a single plate. Large portions of butterfish, lobster linguini, and chicken stew are as big as the ocean view. Whatever you do, don’t underestimate Celebrity’s nachos supreme dish; you’ll need a whole entourage to finish it.

Island Breeze Bar & Grill

Cruise into the Island Breeze Bar & Grill and settle into a spot where the sea meets the river. This local haunt on North Stann Creek in Dangriga will greet you with a rich plate of rice, beans, and grilled shrimp tostones. Between the AC in the dining room and the perfectly measured out cold drinks, you won’t have to rely on the actual breeze to keep you cool.

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I have so many places on my list, but I would really lobe to go to Africa. I consider myself an “adventure girl” and Africa feels like the ULTIMATE adventure!

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