The Best Bars in the Quartier Latin, Montreal

Montreal’s Quartier Latin is a lively neighborhood with a thriving bar scene
Montreal’s Quartier Latin is a lively neighborhood with a thriving bar scene | © picturelibrary / Alamy Stock Photo

Montreal’s Quartier Latin is a lively district centered around lower Rue Saint-Denis, between downtown and the Gay Village. It’s known for its artistic atmosphere and variety of theatres, cafes and boutiques. If you’re looking for a place to meet up and enjoy a few drinks before a night on the town, here are some of the best bars in the Quartier Latin.

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Le Saint-Bock

Pub, Pub Grub, Cocktails, Wine, Beer

Boasting more than 850 varieties of beer, including several brewed in-house and many local favorites, Le Saint-Bock has one of the most wide-ranging selections of craft beers in the city. Food-wise, it serves a variety of standard pub dishes, such as chicken wings, nachos and poutine. Just a few blocks from the Berri-UQAM metro, Le Saint-Bock is a centrally located hotspot ideal for meeting up with friends.

La Distillerie

Cocktail Bar, Cocktails

With three locations across Montreal, a visit to La Distillerie is a great way to get a Friday night started. This popular cocktail bar offers a variety of tasty, inventive drinks made with a rotating, seasonal menu of ingredients. Depending on what you’re craving, you can choose from herbal, fruity or tangy cocktails (or mocktails) served in mason jars. For those who are feeling a bit peckish, the bar offers snacks of Goldfish crackers or popcorn.

Randolph Pub Ludique du Quartier Latin

Bar, Contemporary

If you’re looking for a fun night out that is also cozy and laid-back, head over to Randolph Pub Ludique’s Quartier Latin location for an evening of food, drinks and board games. There are hundreds of games to choose from, whether you want to play an old favorite or discover something new. In addition to the wait staff, there are “Game Masters” on hand to help you decide and teach you how to play. Beverage options include beer, wine, cocktails, coffee and hot chocolate, while the food menu features snacks such as hummus, tacos and empanadas. Note that there is a cover charge upon entry.

L’Amère à Boire

Pub, Pub Grub, Tapas, Canadian, Cocktails, Wine, Beer

Lamère à boire, Montreal
Courtesy of L’Amère à Boire

With a casual, old-school cafe vibe, L’Amère à Boire on Rue Saint-Denis has more than 20 house brews, including stouts, ales and lagers. It also offers a tapas menu, complete with poutine and paella. If you have a larger party, you can reserve a space online, and there’s also a spacious terrace during the warmer months.

Saint-Houblon Quartier Latin

Bar, Contemporary

The microbrewery Saint-Houblon maintains three locations across Montreal, offering 24 craft beers on a rotating basis. It also operates a farm in Terrebonne, where it sources many of the seasonal ingredients for its menu. The Quartier Latin location is ideally situated on dynamic Rue Saint-Denis, right at the heart of the city’s liveliest district. Every weekend, brunch at Saint-Houblon generously includes unlimited food, beer and mimosas.


Bar, Cocktail Bar, Restaurant, Contemporary

With its eclectic decor, expansive terrace and equally inventive drinks menu, Cinko is a youthful social hub on Montreal’s famous Rue Saint-Denis. The food menu, which includes vegan and vegetarian options, offers light fare with a contemporary twist at reasonable prices, and you can choose from a variety of iced cocktails, beers and spiked coffees (along with their non-alcoholic equivalents).

Pub l’Île Noire

Bar, Contemporary

Pub L’Île Noire in the Quartier Latin is a must-visit if whiskey is your preferred alcoholic beverage. This stylish and welcoming bar has been offering more than 500 whiskeys in a relaxed atmosphere, alongside a decent menu of pub fare, since 1989. It also has a selection of more than 200 gins and other spirits from England and Quebec, as well as a variety of imported beers. It’s a great place to spend a few hours savoring your favorite drinks.

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