The Best Restaurants in Blainville, Quebec

There are a number of tasty cuisine options in Blainville
There are a number of tasty cuisine options in Blainville | © Maddi Bazzocco / Unsplash

Situated at the foot of the Laurentian Mountains and just 22mi (35km) southwest of Montreal, scenic Blainville has a wealth of restaurant options. It’s a great place to visit if you’re looking for a tranquil locale close to nature with easy access to the city. There are a number of tasty cuisine options if you’re out and about in the suburb, ranging from Thai food to cozy brunch spots, poutine and upscale bistros. Here are some of the best places for a bite to eat in Blainville.

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Restaurant Coco Mania

Restaurant, Family style, Contemporary, North American

If you’re looking for a casual breakfast or brunch hotspot in Blainville, look no further than the family-friendly Restaurant Coco Mania. Choose from a varied menu of sweet and savory crêpes, waffles, sandwiches and paninis, salads, and more. Alongside your meal, you can indulge in freshly squeezed juices, milkshakes and smoothies made with fresh fruit. Bagels are baked daily on-site, the desserts are home-made and a new soup is simmered every day. They also have a gluten-free menu.


Restaurant, Thai

Phayathai is a small, intimate Thai restaurant in Blainville. The chef, Somboun Norindr, has over a decade of experience in the industry and offers traditional Thai cuisine. Dishes are seasoned with fresh coriander, ginger, curry or lemongrass, and the soups are fragrant with coconut milk. There are also classics such as pad thai, Thai rolls and delectable desserts. Bring your own wine and call ahead for reservations.

Bistro MM Station Culinaire

Bistro, Contemporary

Emphasizing strong flavors and well-matched wines, Bistro MM offers a culinary adventure with every meal. The atmosphere is elegant and modern, ideal for a classy dinner with friends, a Friday evening date or a business lunch. Menu options combine traditional favorites from places as diverse as Hawaii, Japan and Italy, with a delicious contemporary twist.

Au Petit Chalet

Restaurant, Contemporary

With its chalet-chic atmosphere and generous portions, Au Petit Chalet is a great brunch option in Blainville. The menu is reminiscent of a traditional Quebec cabane à sucre (sugar shack), offering plenty of home-made crêpes, pancakes and waffles with maple syrup, beans, bacon, fresh-cut potatoes and more. Vegan options are also available.


Restaurant, Fast Food

Poutine is a long-time fast-food favorite of Quebeckers and visitors alike, and it’s always worth investigating where locals prefer to indulge in this famous dish. Blainville’s Rest-Poutine offers generous portions and a surprising variety of options at reasonable prices, so you can sample any number of poutine flavors and styles, any day of the week.

Nordik Cafe

Cafe, Contemporary

With its Scandinavian minimalist decor and casual atmosphere, Nordik Cafe is a great place to enjoy coffee or a light lunch with friends before settling down with your laptop for some creative work. The menu favors local and seasonal cuisine, offering lunch and dinner throughout the week and brunch on the weekends. They offer a strong Nordic espresso in addition to five other single-origin coffees. Nordik Cafe also offers catering services.

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