The Best Restaurants in Saint-Jérôme, Quebec

When exploring the Quebec countryside, stop in Saint-Jérôme for a delicious meal
When exploring the Quebec countryside, stop in Saint-Jérôme for a delicious meal | © Marc Bruxelle RF / Alamy Stock Photo
Tess Boissonneault

Under an hour’s drive from Montreal is Saint-Jérôme, a charming suburban city best known for the beautiful Parc Régional de la Rivière-du-Nord. Whether you’re in town visiting the regional nature park or seeking a stopover on the way to the Laurentian Mountains, Saint-Jérôme has a fine selection of restaurants to try.

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Restaurant Johnny

Diner, Fast Food

Filled to the brim with retro diner charm, Restaurant Johnny is about as kitsch as you can get. The neon-clad diner, which opened its doors in Saint-Jérôme in 1945, serves up a range of greasy spoon classics, such as a breakfast fry-up, a well-stacked club sandwich, burgers, hotdogs and, of course, poutine – a Quebec classic.

La Conquistadora

Restaurant, Mexican

Though it’s unassuming from the outside, La Conquistadora has a warm and welcoming environment inside. It specializes in traditional Mexican and Salvadoran fare, including tacos, enchiladas with mole, fried yuca and pupusas (corn cakes). You can wash everything down with a refreshing home-made margarita. La Conquistadora also has a small grocery section with a selection of Latin American products.

Restaurant Bon Manjé!

Restaurant, Haitian

Just a block away from the majestic Saint-Jérôme Cathedral, Restaurant Bon Manjé! is a well-loved eatery that serves up delicious West Indian and African dishes. All the food, from the Haitian griot (marinated pork dish) to plantain chips and spicy pikliz (a Haitian condiment of pickled vegetables), is lovingly made by Bon Manjé co-founder and chef Mélissa. The restaurant is also known for putting a spin on poutine, adding West Indian flavors and ingredients to the French-Canadian classic.

Restaurant Arousse

Restaurant, Lebanese

Restaurant Arousse has been serving Lebanese fare in Saint-Jérôme for nearly three decades. While the restaurant’s menu is broad – with Lebanese classics such as tabbouleh, shawarma, falafel and kafta – its claim to fame is its shish taouk chicken, which you can enjoy in poutine, a sandwich or as a main dish. It’s a great option for a casual lunch or a sit-down meal.

Le 279 Bistro Urbain

Restaurant, Canadian

Since it joined Saint-Jérôme’s restaurant scene in 2014, Le 279 Bistro Urbain has made quite an impression with its creative courses and modern industrial aesthetic. The restaurant’s head chef, Samuel Rouleau, highlights local and seasonal ingredients in innovative dishes such as beef tataki and halibut with a hibiscus and elderberry tea broth. The bistro also offers a changing tasting menu for groups.

Restaurant Villa D’Este

Restaurant with Rooms, Italian

Lovers of history and Italian food will appreciate Villa D’Este, a restaurant that serves traditional pasta, meat and seafood dishes in a unique setting inspired by a 16th-century villa of the same name in Tivoli, Italy. With elaborate decor featuring stone walls, classical statues and ornate lighting, it has been enchanting diners since opening in 1971. It’s the perfect spot for a romantic date night or a lavish celebration.

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