The Best Restaurants in the Quartier Latin, Montreal

In the bustling Quartier Latin, Montreal, youll find many great restaurants
In the bustling Quartier Latin, Montreal, you'll find many great restaurants | © picturelibrary / Alamy Stock Photo

Montreal’s district Quartier Latin is set right at the heart of the action, close to downtown and the lively Quartier des Spectacles – where the city’s most dynamic festivals are held every year, through all seasons. Here are some of the best restaurants in the Quartier Latin, representing the diversity of what this popular neighborhood has to offer.

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Resto Vego

Restaurant, Vegetarian, Vegan, Healthy

With 40 years of experience, Resto Vego is a vegetarian landmark in Montreal. This three-level, buffet-style restaurant situated in a classic century home offers a variety of vegan and vegetarian meals, including gourmet options. You can stop by for a quick lunch during your workday or linger for a longer dinner with friends any day of the week.

Pizzeria Dei Compari

Restaurant, Italian

If you’re craving some Italian comfort food, look no further than Pizzeria Dei Compari in the Latin Quarter. The menu offers a wide variety of thin-crust pizzas, including vegan, vegetarian and gluten-free options. Not a pizza lover? Try one of their hearty salads, gnocchi dishes or pasta, and pick a drink from their diverse wine and beer menu. Complimentary Parmesan cheese and spicy oil are offered. It can get crowded around dinnertime, so consider making reservations in advance.

Mikado Restaurant

Restaurant, Japanese, Sushi

With its uniquely modern-yet-cozy decor and varied menu, Mikado’s location in the Quartier Latin offers a quiet retreat from the bustle of Rue Saint-Denis. Operating since 1987, the restaurant’s motto of creativity, simplicity and balance offers insight into their approach to meal preparation. Choose between sushi, sashimi, teriyaki, tempura, soba and other classic and imaginative options, and enjoy them with wine or omakase.

La Panthère Verte/The Green Panther

Restaurant, Grocery Store, Vegan, Vegetarian, Healthy

With multiple storefronts in the city, La Panthère Verte is a popular vegan and vegetarian chain in Montreal. The mission of La Panthère Verte is to provide sustainable ways of offering affordable and ethical food for people to enjoy in urban environments. Its location in the bustling Latin Quartier is no exception, and you’ll often find the restaurant lively during both lunch and dinner. They also have vegan groceries, including nuts, granola, locally roasted coffee and their famous veggie burgers.

Juliette et Chocolat

Dessert Shop, Cafe, Restaurant, Dessert

Juliette et Chocolat is a chocolate restaurant specializing in tasty desserts and rich drinks, including their much-beloved hot cocoa. The menu is full of intensely chocolatey brownies, fondues, crepes (including many savory options) and pastries. The quaint and romantic atmosphere is especially charming during the winter months when snow is falling just beyond the window.

Cafe Biscotti e Cucina

Restaurant, Italian, Dessert

Offering homemade Italian cuisine and a delicious array of artisanal desserts, Biscotti e Cucina is a great place to visit for a sweet treat or a simple-but-delicious meal on Rue Saint-Denis. The emphasis here is on returning to the roots of Italian food, drawing on intergenerational recipes, offered in a small and cozy setting that is perfect for a date night or a meal shared with friends and family.

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